Welcome to The Uncrossed Path
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word ‘Uncrossed’ as “to change from a crossed position”. A 'crossed' path usually refers to a path cut off by either another path or an obstacle. Therefore, when we speak about the ‘magic of uncrossing,’ we, of course, speak about the act of removing obstacles. However, obstacles on our path are not always merely physical. Any form of adversity can cross us, whether material or immaterial. Granted this, we can also speak about performing the act of disentanglement or disenchantment. By performing the magical act of uncrossing, we free ourselves from the unnecessary clutter that obstructs us and hinders us. Just as well, cartomantic readings can be crossed by all sorts of irrelevant symbolic clutter. Here, we have no interest in tolerating this.
By practicing clarity devoid of superfluous hermetic symbolism in my readings, I intend to provide sharp, concise answers to cartomantic questions of all shapes. In this house, we do not care for forced-over kabbalistic correspondences, symbolic interpretations of various occult societies, or self-help cliches. My readings are guided by keen attention to the visual occurrences in the cards, as well as the socio-cultural functions of the coded visual representations. And, of course, by paying strict attention to the question itself. Nothing more, nothing less. Anything else, in my opinion, stands in the way of clarity. I am by no means entertaining the idea that I operate from a perspective of pure zen, as much as I would love it. Very few of us can be in a position to say that we are free of projected desires and anxieties that inform our cognitive sight. Still, following the above-mentioned approach points us in the right direction, at least where the clarity of divination is concerned.
So once again, welcome, and thank you for joining me here in this ritual of uncrossing our paths, our sights, and our thoughts. Here I would also like to thank all the precious people without whom The Uncrossed Path would have never existed. First of all, a great thank you to my mentor Camelia Elias, whose wisdom and guidance have disenchanted my own thorny path and made me into the cartomancer that I am today. I would also like to thank my partner, Henk, for his relentless support, encouragement, and unconditional love. And last but not least, a great thank you to my mother, and all my maternal ancestors, for the unceasing gift of magic.
Deck in the featured image: Oswald Wirth Tarot, reproduced by Agnes Kappler of Kartograme.