‘Drama Queen’ Projections and New Relationships
“I need your help, I fucked up bad!” are the words I hear regularly. And behind them usually lies a problem caused by a blind, anxiety-induced, projected reaction in the love sphere.
This we often tend to label as a ‘drama queen’ response, but let us be honest, all relationships affect us greatly. Some relationships we leave as a wiser person, some we leave richer or poorer, and some we leave as downright damaged husks of a human being. It is particularly the latter kind that often tends to cause problems in all future relationships, or even prevent us from ever trusting another person again altogether.
A client of mine exited one such relationship, and the crippling fear of being betrayed immediately started causing problems upon an attempt at a new date. “I started seeing this new guy, and things were going great, but I fucked it up already. He sent me a text message complimenting me, but all of a sudden my mind started racing, convincing me that this message was intended for someone else and that it was sent to me by mistake. I confronted him about it, and after a shocked surprise, he was very disappointed and hasn’t contacted me since. Will I be able to fix this mess?” a client asked in despair.
As solving love tantrums is one of my favorite types of cartomantic queries, I was excited to see what the Lenormand cards had in store for my distraught client.
The client’s partner came into this new relationship with an open heart, which my client has properly slashed by her actions (Heart + Scyth). But all is not lost, since hope remains in talking this mess out (Birds ending the line). It is clear that the man in question is looking for safety and stability in his love life (House), and if my client wants to ensure that this relationship will continue to run its course uninterrupted, she needs to do her part in safeguarding the stability, while avoiding the traps of ambiguity and confusion that tend to inform her actions (Clouds).
A classic case of an anxiety-driven projection. The client was also quite conscious of this, however after the fact. As I suggest to all my clients, these are the issues that need to be worked through with a professional therapist, or else we are bound to repeat the projected dramatic response over and over, devoid of any clarity. And to quote the words my mentor repeated to me many times: ‘Detachment, detachment, nothing but detachment.’ It is only through the exercise of presence and release that we will be able to produce a proper response.
Elias, C. (2017) The Cartomancer: The Art Of Bibliomantic Moving. Patheos. Link reviewed on January 19th, 2024: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/agora/2017/03/cartomancer-art-bibliomantic-moving/
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